Best Food in New Brunswick

What are the best foods in New Brunswick? There’s a bounty of wild food, seafood and home-made, home-grown everything as a reward for detouring off the Trans Canada highway in this place nicknamed, “the drive-through province.” Canada’s only official bilingual province offers up Acadian specialties like poutine râpée, pets de soeur (nun’s farts – sweet little cinnamon rolls), cipâte (meat stew) and ployes (buckwheat pancakes).
New Brunswick’s Bay of Fundy has the highest tides on earth and is one of the most accessible viewing areas for marine life in the world. Sustainable aquaculture was pioneered here. Locals love the wild blueberries and eat them in crisps, grunts, cobblers, buckles, pies, pancakes, muffins, tarts, and cakes. Fiddleheads, dulse, lobster, and fried clams are taste morsels that keep family and friends pulled back with the tides time and again.
Places and Experiences:
Rossmount Inn – chef Chris Aernie, St. Andrews. Chris is one of the country’s top chefs and you’ll need to make a reservation months in advance. It’s worth it.
Origines: Cuisine Maritime – chef Benjamin Cormier, Caraquet
Cielo Glamping Maritime – chef Etienne Buisson at Haut-Shippegan – from picnics to weekly feasts, this is a taste of the French shore
Port City Royal – Jakob Lutes, Saint John
11th Mile – Chef Peter Tompkins has garnered a loyal Fredericton following with delicious, not overly fussy, food.
Les Brumes du Coude – chef Michel Savoie, Moncton
NB Wineries, Cideries, Breweries and Distilleries – Tourism NB